
Our Team

Michael W. Harvey

Mike began his career in the oil and gas business in 1979, first by assembling and generating drilling prospects to sell to other oil companies.  In 1980, Mike drilled his first well and began assembling prospects and joint venture partners to drill wells in various counties across South Texas.  By the late 1980's and after the oil crunch in 1986, Mike recognized the value of working in old fields where there were low-cost, low-risk opportunities to drill wells and acquire old leases that major oil companies were liquidating.  Wells in these old fields proved to have extremely low decline rates and were very predictable.  After drilling, purchasing, re-entering and participating in several hundred wells since 1980, it has been Mike's continued effort to perfect methods of production that would yield the maximum production rates under the most economic scenario.

James S. Vreeland

Jim is a seasoned oil and gas attorney who received his law license in 1981 after graduating from St. Mary's University School of Law.  His focus is on title and transactional matters.  He has represented by landowners and independent oil companies.  Jim has been on a retainer with Wallis Energy, Inc. since 2008 devoting at least half of his time to company affairs.

Christine Weber

Christine holds the position of Office Manager.  She joined the team in 2014 with her 20+ years in Accounting and 5 years in Oil and Gas Revenue Reporting.   Christine is originally from upstate New York and moved to Houston in 1978.  She completed her degree in Business in 1989 while working for CPA firms in Houston.   Christine is responsible for all accounting functions and Railroad Commission reporting for Wallis Energy.

Michael H. Hill

Michael is a geologist who has been working under a retainer for Wallis Energy,Inc for over three years.  Michael received his degree in Geology from Texas A&M University in Kingsville.   He earned his degree with high honors in 2012.  His main focuses are in Structural geology and coastal geomorphology.